Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wait... I thought we were having fun?

Apparently I am the diet Coke of fun, just one calorie... not fun enough. Haha

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Week 3 of love

Mr Spencer and I have had a fun week together. He has invited me over many times this week and he has asked me to swing by once more if I am going to be in the area today or tomorrow.

A memorable moment from this week was when I was checking on his buffet in the kitchen and he was non-stop talking. Then as I got a little closer to him he would stop and walk a few steps, then he would talk some more and as I got closer to him he would walk a few more steps, look back and talk to me again. He did this all the way until he got from the kitchen to his tree in the office to play. This jump-suit clad gentleman never ceases to amaze me (and distract me from chores).

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spencers Playhouse!

Here are some random pictures of the furry jumpsuit clad gentleman...

"I (heart) this obscure red speck that taunts and teases me!"

"Must re-hydrate post work out"

"Total relaxation"

"Givin' you da paw!"

"They call me "Good Grip McGee""

"My Sultry Spencer look... does it work for you? Does it?"

More to come...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Le Buffet

You know those TV dinners "Hungry Man"? Those were named after Spencer A.
Here is what I walked into today...

The man can pack it away!

(WHOA... that all rhymed... )

Monday, August 20, 2007

New strategy to video documentation...

So, as you may have read there is a specific video that I have been itchin' to post of Spencer being a giant lover. Only problem is, it is approx. 100MB so I am having trouble uploading it. When I went to go and hang with Spenc today he asked me, "...and why are you so camera happy? I mean do the clips REALLY need to be that lengthy? I know I'm the cutest thing you have ever seen but since a a big file didn't work, why not try a smaller one?" I responded, "See, THIS is why they pay you the big bucks my friend. Good call. I shall not go camera/video crazy today". This clip is only 18 seconds so I call it...
McMini-Lovin from Spencer Part .5

Monday, August 13, 2007

Priorities straight

I recently made a new friend, Spencer Anderson The Cat the Mini Man in a Fur Coat Jump Suit.

He has invited me to his house to hang out three times this last week and I made a surprise visit as well. We have a ton of fun just talking and catching up.

I thought that it would be fun to play some games but he was way more interested in just being a love bug, which was absolutely fine by me. I have never met an animal that was so cognizant of their hands paws. On day one, after helping him with the daily chores we were sitting on the office floor together. I received a text message and had to stand up in order to get my cell phone out of my pocket, so I stood up and flipped my phone open. Spencer sat up, then stood on his hind legs and rested his front paws on my right pant leg. He asked, “Hey? What are you doing? I invite you over to play and you are tending to business matters? Listen friend, business closed once the wheel was turned and locked into place on my litter genie. It’s all about play time now, come on…” he then slowly slid his paws down from my belt loop (claws retracted so no scratching was done) then when his left paw reached my pocket, he extended ONE CLAW to gently pull me back down to the floor! My eyes went WIDE and my mouth dropped open, I couldn’t believe what he had just done.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

More disciplined than yours truly

Dogs are often trained to properly respond to the word "No" and sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. I mean sometimes "I" won't even listen and or respond properly to the word no. Spencer KNOWS and respects your wishes when you tell him "No". I am not talking a barking, startling, snap of the word "NO!" but a gentle, calm, in passing discussion on how my bag is not a place for Spencer's face type of no. Where the word "no" is potentially camoflauged in with a bunch of other words. I found this brilliant surprise out by accident. The man knows the word no. Is your hair blown back yet? Mine sure was.

Here is a picture of my, "I can't believe that this cat is smarter than I am" face:


Later within the first week, Spence gave his toys a day in court however I overheard him mumble, "You don't do it like mom and dad do... hmmph"
(I wasn't offended, I just knew he was missing them).

Week 2 comes to a close

The Furry Jump-Suit Superstar has taught me something new every time that I go and visit.
His latest moto, "You too can have a furry jump-suit like me". He went on to explain the guidelines which were simple: Wear lots of black clothing and let me smother you with love.
Who could turn that down? I gave in,

Indeed the King of the castle!

Spencer said to me, "You need to work on your entertainment skills lady!"


Spencer at the buffet:

I remember when...

Last summer I did a local contest through the Sacramento TV station, My58. Hands down my favorite "challenge" was to create a 30 second commercial spot for the SPCA. I had my choice of a rabbit or a cat and I chose "Smokey" the cat. Here it is:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Clips of the big lover

I have been so eager to post the video clips that I have had so much fun capturing of Spencer but I am having trouble with the host website that provides the server space... The limit size for upload is 100MB and I am pushing that with the clip that I want to post. I will figure something out.

Stay tuned!